My work has appeared in the following places:

My essay Hebrew School Donuts is featured in The Thieving Magpie Issue 28 Winter 2024/25 7th Anniversary out now.

My essay Finding Refuge in Israel can be found on Zibby Owen's substack in support of the release of the book, On Being Jewish Now.

Simpsonistas Volume 3 is an anthology highlighting the fiction, poetry, essays, and conversations produced by the many brilliant associates of New Literary Project. Available for purchase here.
New Literary Project inspires and equips writers across the generations to write their hearts out. New Literary Project offers writing workshops free of charge for underserved younger writers; celebrates storytellers and storytelling through a major national award to a mid-career author of fiction (the Joyce Carol Oates Prize); and makes possible readings, events, and publication in our annual anthology of Project-connected authors, Simpsonistas.

2024 San Francisco Writer's Foundation Writing Contest Anthology
Purchase the contest anthology containing the opening 1500 words of my memoir as a finalist in the 2024 San Francisco Writers Conference (“SFWC”) Contest here. The SFWDC takes place annually over four days in San Francisco, with over 500 attendees and renowned keynote authors, presenters, editors, and agents, attending each year.